The 35:th Nordic Geological Wintermeeting will be held in Reykjaik the 11-13:th of May due to a delay caused by the pandemic.
However, there is still time to register, or read more here: 6th_Circular
The 35:th Nordic Geological Wintermeeting will be held in Reykjaik the 11-13:th of May due to a delay caused by the pandemic.
However, there is still time to register, or read more here: 6th_Circular
Iceland has chosen to postpone the Nordic Geological Wintermeeting, NGWM22, until May 11–13 2022 due to the pandemic. Continue reading “Nordic Geological Wintermeeting in Reykjavik postponed”
This year’s “Årets Geolog” is Åke Johansson, geologist at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. The prize is awarded once every year by the Geosektionen, a professional association within Naturvetarna. The prize is awarded a person who has promoted the position of geology in the society.
– I feel very happy to get an award for what I do. Now I have to digest this, says Åke.
On the 11th of November the Geological Society, in cooperation with SGU and Geosektionen will have a joint award ceremony.
The following awards will be presented: the Geological Society Nathorst Award within the areas of paleozoology, paleobothany and micropaleontology and the Geological Society Jan Bergström Young Scientist Award.
The Geologist of the Year Award is awarded for the 25th time by Geosektionen and this years reciepient is Åke Johansson from the Natural History Museum.
Place: Axel Hambergsalen, Geocentrum Uppsala Universitet, Villavägen 16, Uppsala
Date: Thursday the 11th November, 2021
15.00–15.15 Welcoming from Geosektionen and the Geological Society
15.15–15.45 Invited speaker Jenny Andersson: ”Utan kartläggning stannar Sverige”
15.45–16.15 Coffee
16.15–16.45 The Geological Society’s Nathorst Award within the areas of paleozoology, paleobothany and micropaleontology
16.50–17.20 Prize award and talk from the Geological Society Jan Bergström Young Scientist Award recipient
17.25–18.00 The Geologist of the Year recipient talk ”Från lokal till global geologi – från skärgårdens kobbar till proterozoiska superkontinenter”
18.00–18.30 Mingling
18.30– Dinner for preregistered
Today (2021-04-16) the organising committee for the Geological Society 150 years anniversary meeting took the decision to postpone the meeting. While this decision was hard to take it reflects the current pandemic situation and the fact that we at this stage do not know what the situation will be like in August. The decision to postpone, and not run a digital meeting, rests on the fact that many members have advised that they would rather meet at a later occasion in real life than in yet another digital zoom or teams meeting. The organising committee shares this view. Continue reading “Anniversary meeting postponed one year”
Dear all subscribers of the printed version of GFF! The first volume during 2021, volume 143:1, is very delayed in distribution to all subscribers due to several reasons.
I apologize for this and hope you will ge it as soon as possible.
Editor in chief, Magnus Hellqvist
The organising committee is monitoring the development of the pandemic closely. Although we have a strong will and ambition to organise a physical meeting in Uppsala in August we need to meet the recommendations from the health authorities. Based on the current situation we have taken the following decision:
In mid April a final decision will be taken if we will run the meeting or not. If the pandemic situation prohibits a physical meeting we will postpone the meeting and set new dates to be able to run the meeting as a physical meeting, in Uppsala. If this unfortunate situation arises we will notify everyone regarding new dates as soon as possible.
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