
Full membership for the year 2023 is SEK 350. You support the association and get the Society’s magazine Geologiskt forum (in Swedish) in the mailbox four times a year. You also get access to all the older numbers of Geologiskt forum as pdf files via our digital archive “Geologiskt Forum online”. Furthermore, you will have access to and/ or discounts to events organised by the Society.

Student membership is 150 SEK for 2023 and will give you access to events organised by the Society and full access to all Geologiskt Forum articles on-line.

Access to GFF Online costs SEK 250 per year in addition to the membership fee. If you want both the printed journal and access to the digital version of GFF, this costs SEK 400 per year in addition to the membership fee.

Standalone subscription to Geologiskt forum

There is also the possibility to subscribe to Geologiskt forum without being a member. Read more about this under the heading Geologiskt forum.

How do I pay membership fees and subscriptions?

You can choose how to pay when you register as a new member or extend your membership by choosing “Log in” in the menue. You can pay on-line with credit card, or by paying to our plusgiro account 2108-9. Write “Membership Fee” on your payment and don’t forget to add your name, address and email address, otherwise we don’t know who has paid!

From abroad:
IBAN: SE61 9500 0099 6034 0002 1089

Membership Terms

  • The membership fee is valid for one year from the date of payment. You will receive all issues of Geologiskt forum which are published during the membership time.
  • When the membership is about to expire you will receive an e-mail reminder. A second reminder is sent by e-mail when the membership has expired. The right to any membership benefits will end until a new membership payment is received for another year.
  • The membership will be renewed immediatelly upon online payment through the Geologiska föreningen website. If the membership fee is paid through bank transfer, the membership will start on the day when the payment is received by Geologiska föreningen.
  • The ending date of the membership will be extended one year if a new membership fee is paid before the previous payment has expired.
  • As a member you have access to older issues of Geologiskt forum through “Geologiskt forum online”

Membership application

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