Finally a new web site

As you can see, we have today launched a new website. The technology behind it is new and this makes the work of maintaining and updating the website easier. More people can also write posts on the page, which we hope will lead to a more alive website.

Hopefully, you as a user will also find that the website has become more easy to navigate. If you find something that has gone wrong, or think something is missing, or if you cannot log in, get in touch with us at

Annual meeting 2020

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the board of the Geological Society has decided to postpone the annual meeting to a later date during the year. A new date will be announced here and by email to members.

100 issues of Geologiskt forum

This week, issue number 100 of Geologiskt forum is distributed. The first issue of the magazine saw the light of day in March 1994. It was then something of an experiment, but in retrospect we can conclude that the experiment was quite successful. We hope you will find something in this issue that can interest you and would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you are a member you can, as usual, also download the issue here on the website.

The Society’s award winners 2018

The Geological Society’s Wickman Award in geochemistry and isotope geology goes this year Jenny Andersson, Geological Survey of Sweden. The Jan Bergström Award to Young Researchers is awarded to Anders Lindskog, Florida State University and Lund University. The winners will receive their awards in Uppsala on November 8 in connection with the awards ceremony for Geologist of the Year. Read more about the prize winners below. Read more about the awards ceremony at the website of the Swedish Association of Professional Scientists.

Continue reading “The Society’s award winners 2018”

Virtual special volume of GFF

For a number of years, GFF has published special thematic issues where all articles concern a common topic or method. Now in June 2018, GFF has published the journal’s first virtual special volume. This means that we have collected a number of articles that have previously been published in various issues by the journal but which belong together thematically. All of these items are made available to everyone without charge for the rest of 2018.

This special issue concerns studies where the authors have used analyses of stable carbon isotopes (carbon-12 and carbon-13) to study stratigraphic relationships between rocks of the Ordovician and Silurian. The relative contents of these carbon isotopes reflect the Earth’s climate, and therefore one can use them to show which rocks were formed during different time intervals. In this way, we and our publisher, Taylor & Francis, would like to showcase one of the journal’s strenghts.

You will find the virtual number here.

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