The Erdmann Award

Ulf Bertil Andersson is awarded the Erdmann Award within the areas of Mineralogy or Petrologi.

Ulf Bertil was born in 1960 in Årjäng, Värmland. He earned his doctoral degree at Uppsala University with the thesis Petrogenesis of some Proterozoic granitoid suites and associated basic rocks in Sweden (geochemistry and isotope geology). He has been affiliated researcher with Geoforschungzentrum Potzdam, the Natural History Museum in Stockholm and Uppsala University. He has later used his extensive knowledge in more applied geological context, first with Vattenfall and since 2012 with LKAB.

Ulf Bertil is a prolific and highly valued contributor in social media groups dedicated to geological questions.

The award ceremony will take place in Luleå on the 9th och November.

Please follow this link to register for the event:

Congratulations Ulf Bertil!

Anniversary meeting postponed one year

Today (2021-04-16) the organising committee for the Geological Society 150 years anniversary meeting took the decision to postpone the meeting. While this decision was hard to take it reflects the current pandemic situation and the fact that we at this stage do not know what the situation will be like in August. The decision to postpone, and not run a digital meeting, rests on the fact that many members have advised that they would rather meet at a later occasion in real life than in yet another digital zoom or teams meeting. The organising committee shares this view. Continue reading “Anniversary meeting postponed one year”

Jubilee meeting update

The organising committee is monitoring the development of the pandemic closely. Although we have a strong will and ambition to organise a physical meeting in Uppsala in August we need to meet the recommendations from the health authorities. Based on the current situation we have taken the following decision:

In mid April a final decision will be taken if we will run the meeting or not. If the pandemic situation prohibits a physical meeting we will postpone the meeting and set new dates to be able to run the meeting as a physical meeting, in Uppsala. If this unfortunate situation arises we will notify everyone regarding new dates as soon as possible.

Anniversary meeting in august

This year, the Geological Society of Sweden celebrates 150 years since it was founded, and we wish to celebrate this with an anniversary meeting in Uppsala 17–19 August. Our ambition is to gather as many as possible of the geoscientists that are active in Sweden or that have an interest in various aspects of Swedish geoscience.

Read more about the meeting and download the second circular here.

35th Geological Winter Meeting

In January 2022, Iceland will host the 35th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting in Reykjavík.

The preparation for the meeting is well under way. However, due to the Covid-19 situation, it is not certain what the world will look like in 2022 but the current plan is an on-site meeting that will take place on 5–7 January. Plan B is to have the meeting online. The final decision will be made in May or June 2021.

A first circular will be sent out in February 2021, and further information will also be posted here.

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